Day 11: Refuge Boerne to Chamonix

Distance Walked: 10 K
Height Gained: +810 m
Height Lost: -565 m
Total Distance: 160 k
Total Ascent: 9197 m
Total Descent: -10041 m

Missing some data from the start of the day due to time zone issues - we started right up at the top right.

The day started with rain, and ended much the same way.
As we progressed the waterproof layers came off and the fleeting views of Mont Blanc behind the rising mist, as the heat of the day drove the moisture out of the valley, added to the knowledge that this was our last day.
A missing section in our guide notes resulted in us missing out on a 450m ascent to one of the tour visual highlights.  This did not distract from our sense of satisfaction on arriving at Planpraz to complete the tour. 
Back in Chamonix  we then had time to reflect on the journey, and to try to balance our sense of achievement with the sad knowledge that at the same time our family were celebrating the short life of a great nephew Joe whose funeral was today.
Joe fought a long battle against neuroblastoma and died on Wednesday 12th July. He was awarded the Beaver Scout of the year and received his commendation from Bear Grylls shortly before his death. If you would like to join in celebration of his short but happy life supported by a loving family.
Donations are requested to Candlelighters or Martin House Children's Hospice.
Today's blog is for Joe. Born 4th September 2009, died 12th July 2017. A life where every day was precious.


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